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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Normally when I write music, the tune comes long before the lyrics. In fact, I have a couple or three "unlyriced" tunes in my music bag right now. But this horrible disaster in the Gulf of Mexico made the words spill out almost involuntarily.


One fine spring day
Oceana basking
In sun's golden rays.
Her salt air spraying
As wave greets shore.
These lovely days
We'll see no more.


For we are all
Oceana's children
Withing her arms
All life begins.
Her fertile shores
Both deep and shallow
Sustain us all.
This you must know
As we mourn the Gulf of Mexico.

Quietly the news of tragedy,
Of explosion and death
Off the shores of Louisiana
Oil workers drew their last
Earthly breaths.
Their loved ones mourn
The loss of family.
Without a graveside
To adorn.


The crude oil spews
Poisoning the water.
All creatures now
As good as dead.
This black muck comes forth
From BP's faulty bed.


The death begins,
The creatures struggle
Against the poison
In the deep.
Soon poison gases
Join in the chorus,
Spreading out, ever spreading
In ghastly waves
Of deathly sleep.


We cannot fix this
With hose and hair.
There are no scrubbers
In Oceana's lair.
We must arise
And defend our homeland.
Or swear to die
On Oceana's sand.

(C) 2010 Beth Maples-Bays

(Please know that these lyrics are just roughed out. Something --told me to offer them up for you to read, so I did. If you have any questions about these lyrics, feel free to leave comments.)